
Clarification Statement

On 16 February 2021, World Super Holdings Limited (stock code: 8612) made a voluntary announcement relating to the entry into a non-legally binding memorandum of understanding (“MOU”) between its wholly-owned subsidiary, Yummy Network Technology Company Limited, and OS Limited (OSL) regarding OSL’s provision of blockchain technology consulting services and other possible cooperation relating to blockchain and digital asset. 

BC Technology Group Limited (BC Group) hereby clarifies that OSL, its wholly-owned subsidiary, has not been in discussions nor entered into an MOU with Yummy Network Technology Company Limited in relation to blockchain services or cooperation.

Interest in new and emerging technologies such as blockchain, coupled with the sustained increases in digital asset prices, present opportunistic actors greater incentives to carry out various nefarious actions within ill-informed markets. We would like to remind members of the public to remain vigilant to third parties fraudulently claiming to be employees or representatives of BC Group or OSL, especially if being approached via social media channels.  Please stay alert when transferring any digital assets or entering into any agreements and you may verify the identity of any BC Group or OSL representatives by contacting  [email protected]  or  [email protected] .