What trading pairs are available to Retail Investor clients on OSL Exchange?
Trading pairs available to retail investors on OSL Exchange are:
For the latest list, visit: https://trade-hk.osl.com/pages/trading-pairs/retail-investors
As a Retail Investor, you may also trade other pairs on RFQ, depending on your risk appetite. For more information, read: https://osl.com/support/article/what-trading-pairs-are-available-to-oslds-retail-investors-clients-on-rfq-1j9cj3i/
For the latest list, visit: https://trade-hk.osl.com/pages/trading-pairs/retail-investors
As a Retail Investor, you may also trade other pairs on RFQ, depending on your risk appetite. For more information, read: https://osl.com/support/article/what-trading-pairs-are-available-to-oslds-retail-investors-clients-on-rfq-1j9cj3i/
Updated on: 03/01/2025
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