Articles on: OSLDS

OSLDS Custody Services

OSL Digital Securities (“OSLDS”) is proudly regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) for Type 1 (Dealing in securities) and Type 7 (Providing automated trading services) activities for digital assets, and offers clients arguably the highest level of client asset protection in the world.

Digital assets are held in client-segregated wallets through a “Trust or Company Service Provider” (“TCSP”) license holder.
Client’s digital assets and fiat currencies benefit from regulatory-driven protection and are bankruptcy remote from OSLDS.
OSLDS doesn’t use hot wallets and has insurance coverage for its cold/frozen wallet infrastructure in line with SFC requirements.
OSLDS is “Big-4” audited, as is its parent company BC Technology Group, which is also publicly listed and compliant with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange listing rules.
OSLDS maintains a regulation-stipulated liquid capital level at all times, complying with SFC’s Financial Resources Rules.

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Updated on: 22/04/2024

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