Trading Features
What Products Do OSL Offer For Retail Investors?
OSL now allows retail investors to trade BTC and ETH against USD and HKD. Enjoy seamless deposits, withdrawals, and a secure digital asset trading experience.Some readersWhat trading pairs are available to OSL Retail Investors clients on RFQ?
The following pairs are available to Retail Investor on RFQ: RFQ (Request for Quote) is a process where a trader requests a price quote from a market maker or liquidity provider for a specific asset or trading pair. BTCUSD BTCHKD ETHUSD ETHHKD ETHBTCFew readersOSLDS Exchange - price and quantity steps and minimum order sizes
OSLDS EXCHANGE WHAT IS PRICE STEP? Price Step is the minimum price per tick of a virtual asset on the Exchange. The price ticks of different virtual assets can vary, with their price step representing the minimum amount they can move up or down. The current price step configurations on OSL DS: Example: BTCUSD The minimum price tick size is 1. The order price can increase or decrease only byFew readersWhat is my Concentration Limit and how is this limit consumed?
What is a Concentration Limit? OSLDS complies with HK regulations by setting limits for client exposure to virtual assets based on financial and personal circumstances. Your OSLDS concentration limit is determined by a client’s risk appetite rating, existing virtual asset (VA) exposure and total net liquid assets You will be informed of your concentration limit upon onboarding and it is also displayed on the client portfolio page. How is my Concentration Limit consumed? The usFew readersWhat is RFQ / Quick Trade?
RFQ (Request for Quote) and Quick Trade are trading mechanisms used primarily in over-the-counter (OTC) and institutional markets: RFQ: A process where a trader requests a price quote from liquidity providers or market makers for a specific asset or trading pair. The trader can then choose to execute the trade at the quoted price. Quick Trade: A streamlined trading method where the trader instantly executes a trade at the best available price without manually requesting quotes, often used forFew readersWhat order types are on the OSL Exchange?
Market order An order with no limit price. It will match as much as possible immediately executing, starting at the best price available on the opposite side of the order book. Any remaining unfilled quantity will be withdrawn. A market order may also sweep through multiple price levels. Limit order An order for a specified quantity of a traded product at a limiting price. The system will match as much of the order as possible, with any remaining balance entered into the order bookFew readers