Only common response codes are listed here. For endpoint specific codes, please check individual endpoint pages.
Quote Response errorCode
Code Table
Code TableCode | Description |
p200021 | No fallback pricing |
p500005 | Internal error (please check with support) |
p500019 | Internal error (please check with support) |
s200003 | Base currency is not supported |
s200004 | Quote currency is not supported |
s200015 | Merchant configuration cannot be found |
s300001 | Invalid exchange rates |
s500018 | Internal error (please check with support) |
s300019 | Exchange rates are not available |
s500024 | Internal error (please check with support) |
s500025 | Internal error (please check with support) |
Trade Response errorCode
Code Table
Code TableCode | Description |
s200003 | Base currency is not supported |
s200004 | Quote currency is not supported |
s300001 | Invalid exchange rates |
s100002 | Invalid quote ID |
s100005 | Trade already exists for the quote ID |
s100006 | Quote expired |
s100026 | Quote expired |
s400010 | Internal error (please check with support) |
s400011 | Internal error (please check with support) |
s400012 | Debit account not found |
s400013 | Debit account have insufficient fund |
s400024 | Internal error (please check with support) |
s400025 | Internal error (please check with support) |
Code Table
Code TableCode | Description |
ORDER_REQUEST_SUBMITTED | Order request submitted. It is generally considered a successful response |
INSUFFICIENT_AVAILABLE_BALANCE | Order submission failed as insufficient available balance |
TOO_MANY_OPEN_ORDERS | Order submission failed as too many open orders on the exchange |
TOO_SMALL | Order submission failed as the order value is too small |
SIMPLE_TRADE_DISABLED | RFQ function has been disabled for the account |
USER_NOT_VERIFIED | Order submission failed as the account has not been verified for trading |
USER_ACTIVITY_RESTRICTED | Account has been restricted to perform a certain action |
INVALID_PARAMETERS | Action failed due to invalid parameter(s), including wrong currency pair, order amount/rate too big, too many decimal places, etc |
SYSTEM_ERROR | General error |
Code Table (V4)
Code Table (V4)Code | Description |
New | The order is active and unexecuted on the exchange |
PartiallyFilled | The order is active and partially filled on the exchange |
Filled | The order is fully filled and no longer active on the exchange |
Cancelled | The order is cancelled and no longer active on the exchange |
Replaced | The order is amended |
Rejected | The order is rejected and no longer active on the exchange |
Suspended | The order is suspended |
Expired | The order is expired and no longer active on the exchange |
Withdrawn | The order is withdrawn to prevent self trade orders |
Code Table (V3)
Code Table (V3)Code | Description |
ACTIVE | The order is active and unexecuted on the exchange |
PARTIAL_FILL | The order is active and partially filled on the exchange |
FULL_FILL | The order is fully filled and no longer active on the exchange |
EXPIRED | The order is expired (past expiry date / time) and no longer active on the exchange |
PENDING_SUBMISSION | The order is pending processing by the exchange. Need to call an order enquiry to get the latest state |
Code Table
Code TableCode | Description |
SUCCESS | The order has been successfully executed |
INDETERMINATE | The order is in an undetermined state |
FAILED | The order failed to execute |
FIX Error Codes
Code | Error Name | Description |
1002 | SystemSuspended | System is suspended |
1106 | UsermanagerSuspended | User is suspended |
1192 | SessionError | Session error |
19087 | InvalidOrder | Order is invalid |
20002 | OrderInvalidSide | Order get rejected with invalid side |
20003 | OrderInvalidType | Order get rejected with invalid type |
20004 | OrderInvalidPrice | Order get rejected with invalid price |
20005 | OrderInvalidQuantity | Order get rejected with invalid quantity |
20007 | OrderInvalidExpiryDate | Order get rejected with invalid expiry date |
20008 | OrderInvalidExpiryTime | Order get rejected with invalid expiry time |
20009 | OrderInvalidPriceStep | Order get rejected with invalid price step |
20015 | OrderUserSuspended | Order get rejected with user being suspended |
20024 | OrderInsufficientHoldings | Order get rejected with insufficient holdings |
20025 | OrderNoHoldings | Order get rejected with no holdings |
20026 | OrderQuantityTooSmall | Order get rejected with quantity smaller than the minimum quantity |
20027 | OrderQuantityTooLarge | Order get rejected with quantity larger than the maximum quantity |
20031 | OrderInsufficientCash | Order get rejected with insufficient Cash |
20032 | OrderInvalidCurrency | Order get rejected with invalid currency |
20033 | OrderInvalidSettlementCurrency | Order get rejected with invalid settlement currency |
20062 | OrderValueTooSmall | Order value cannot be too small |
20063 | OrderValueTooLarge | Order value cannot be too large |
20066 | OrderInvalidQuantityStep | Order get rejected with invalid quantity step |
20088 | OrderInstrumentmarketClosed | Order get rejected because instrument market is closed |
20115 | OrderPriceZero | Order price cannot be zero |
20116 | OrderPriceNegative | Order price cannot be negative |
20117 | OrderPriceTooLow | Order price cannot be too low |
20118 | OrderPriceTooHigh | Order price cannot be too high |
20132 | OrderNotMatched | Order get rejected with no other orders to match against |
22213 | OrderStatusSetNoCancelMatched | Order matched, cancel not allowed |
22215 | OrderStatusSetNoCancelCancelled | Order cancelled, cancel not allowed |
22301 | OrderAmendNotAvailable | Failed to amend an order which has already filled |