API Reference

Response / Error Code Reference


Only common response codes are listed here. For endpoint specific codes, please check individual endpoint pages.


Quote Response errorCode Code Table

p200021No fallback pricing
p500005Internal error (please check with support)
p500019Internal error (please check with support)
s200003Base currency is not supported
s200004Quote currency is not supported
s200015Merchant configuration cannot be found
s300001Invalid exchange rates
s500018Internal error (please check with support)
s300019Exchange rates are not available
s500024Internal error (please check with support)
s500025Internal error (please check with support)

Trade Response errorCode Code Table

s200003Base currency is not supported
s200004Quote currency is not supported
s300001Invalid exchange rates
s100002Invalid quote ID
s100005Trade already exists for the quote ID
s100006Quote expired
s100026Quote expired
s400010Internal error (please check with support)
s400011Internal error (please check with support)
s400012Debit account not found
s400013Debit account have insufficient fund
s400024Internal error (please check with support)
s400025Internal error (please check with support)

resultCode Code Table

ORDER_REQUEST_SUBMITTEDOrder request submitted. It is generally considered a successful response
INSUFFICIENT_AVAILABLE_BALANCEOrder submission failed as insufficient available balance
TOO_MANY_OPEN_ORDERSOrder submission failed as too many open orders on the exchange
TOO_SMALLOrder submission failed as the order value is too small
SIMPLE_TRADE_DISABLEDRFQ function has been disabled for the account
USER_NOT_VERIFIEDOrder submission failed as the account has not been verified for trading
USER_ACTIVITY_RESTRICTEDAccount has been restricted to perform a certain action
INVALID_PARAMETERSAction failed due to invalid parameter(s), including wrong currency pair, order amount/rate too big, too many decimal places, etc
SYSTEM_ERRORGeneral error

ordStatus Code Table (V4)

NewThe order is active and unexecuted on the exchange
PartiallyFilledThe order is active and partially filled on the exchange
FilledThe order is fully filled and no longer active on the exchange
CancelledThe order is cancelled and no longer active on the exchange
ReplacedThe order is amended
RejectedThe order is rejected and no longer active on the exchange
SuspendedThe order is suspended
ExpiredThe order is expired and no longer active on the exchange
WithdrawnThe order is withdrawn to prevent self trade orders

orderState Code Table (V3)

ACTIVEThe order is active and unexecuted on the exchange
PARTIAL_FILLThe order is active and partially filled on the exchange
FULL_FILLThe order is fully filled and no longer active on the exchange
EXPIREDThe order is expired (past expiry date / time) and no longer active on the exchange
PENDING_SUBMISSIONThe order is pending processing by the exchange. Need to call an order enquiry to get the latest state


orderStatus Code Table

SUCCESSThe order has been successfully executed
INDETERMINATEThe order is in an undetermined state
FAILEDThe order failed to execute


FIX Error Codes

CodeError NameDescription
1002SystemSuspendedSystem is suspended
1106UsermanagerSuspendedUser is suspended
1192SessionErrorSession error
19087InvalidOrderOrder is invalid
20002OrderInvalidSideOrder get rejected with invalid side
20003OrderInvalidTypeOrder get rejected with invalid type
20004OrderInvalidPriceOrder get rejected with invalid price
20005OrderInvalidQuantityOrder get rejected with invalid quantity
20007OrderInvalidExpiryDateOrder get rejected with invalid expiry date
20008OrderInvalidExpiryTimeOrder get rejected with invalid expiry time
20009OrderInvalidPriceStepOrder get rejected with invalid price step
20015OrderUserSuspendedOrder get rejected with user being suspended
20024OrderInsufficientHoldingsOrder get rejected with insufficient holdings
20025OrderNoHoldingsOrder get rejected with no holdings
20026OrderQuantityTooSmallOrder get rejected with quantity smaller than the minimum quantity
20027OrderQuantityTooLargeOrder get rejected with quantity larger than the maximum quantity
20031OrderInsufficientCashOrder get rejected with insufficient Cash
20032OrderInvalidCurrencyOrder get rejected with invalid currency
20033OrderInvalidSettlementCurrencyOrder get rejected with invalid settlement currency
20062OrderValueTooSmallOrder value cannot be too small
20063OrderValueTooLargeOrder value cannot be too large
20066OrderInvalidQuantityStepOrder get rejected with invalid quantity step
20088OrderInstrumentmarketClosedOrder get rejected because instrument market is closed
20115OrderPriceZeroOrder price cannot be zero
20116OrderPriceNegativeOrder price cannot be negative
20117OrderPriceTooLowOrder price cannot be too low
20118OrderPriceTooHighOrder price cannot be too high
20132OrderNotMatchedOrder get rejected with no other orders to match against
22213OrderStatusSetNoCancelMatchedOrder matched, cancel not allowed
22215OrderStatusSetNoCancelCancelledOrder cancelled, cancel not allowed
22301OrderAmendNotAvailableFailed to amend an order which has already filled