Fields | Type | Description |
timestamp | string | UNIX timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 1632390252603 |
resultCode | string | Result code reflecting the success status of the operation. Example: OK |
currencyStatic | [currencyStatic] | Contains static details of each currency available from the platform. See Currency static object parameters. |
Fields | Type | Description |
currencies | [currency] | Map of currency and currency settings. See Currency object parameters. |
currencyPairs | [currencyPair] | Map of Currency Pair and Currency Pair Settings. See Currency pair object parameters. |
Fields | Type | Description |
decimals | int | Decimal place used for trading. Example: 8 |
minOrderSize | decimal | Minimum order size. Example: 0.00020000 |
maxOrderSize | decimal | Maximum order size. Example: 100000.00000000 |
minOrderValue | decimal | Minimum order value. Example: 1.0E-7 |
maxOrderValue | decimal | Minimum order value. Example: 100000000.00000000 |
maxMarketOrderValue | decimal | Maximum market order value. Example: 10.00000000 |
maxMarketOrderSize | decimal | Maximum market order size. Example: 10.00000000 |
displayDenominator | decimal | Display denominator. Example: 1000 |
summaryDecimals | int | Decimals place used to display summary. Example: 2 |
displayUnit | string | Currency unit |
symbol | string | Symbol of the currency |
type | string | CRYPTO or FIAT |
confirmationThresholds | decimal | Confirmation thresholds |
networkFee | decimal | Standard network fee |
engineSettings | [engineSetting] | List of engine settings. See Fund engine setting object parameters. |
urlPrefix | string | Url prefix to handle the related coin address |
digitalCurrencyType | string | Crypto currency type. Example: RIPPLE, RIPPLE_IOU, ETHEREUM, ETHEREUM_TOKEN |
assetId | string | Crypto asset ID |
assetName | string | Crypto asset Name |
assetDivisibility | string | Crypto asset divisibility |
assetIcon | string | Crypto asset icon: location of the asset icon file |
Fields | Type | Description |
depositsEnabled | boolean | If true deposits are enabled |
withdrawalsEnabled | boolean | If true withdrawals are enabled |
displayEnabled | boolean | If true the currency is visible on the platform. If false, the user should also reflect this in their application and hide the currency. |
mobileAccessEnabled | boolean | If mobile access is enabled |
Fields | Type | Description |
priceDecimals | int | Decimals place of price for trading |
engineSettings | [engineSetting] | List of order engine settings. See Order engine setting object parameters |
minOrderRate | decimal | Minimum order rate |
maxOrderRate | decimal | Maximum order rate |
displayPriceDecimals | int | Decimals place of price for display |
tradedCcy | string | Traded currency |
settlementCcy | string | Settlement currency |
preferredMarket | string | Preferred market |
Fields | Type | Description |
tradingEnabled | boolean | True if trading enabled |
displayEnabled | boolean | True if the currency is visible on the platform web frontend. |
cancelOnly | boolean | True if cancel only |
verifyRequired | boolean | True if verification required for trading |
restrictedBuy | boolean | True if user is restricted from buying the currency pair |
restrictedSell | boolean | True if user is restricted from selling the currency pair |