API Reference

Subscribe to Order Channel


To call this endpoint, the API Key need to have the Place and Manage Orders permission enabled (via OSL website).

Execute Order


To accept a quote published by OSL (submit an order against previously quoted).

sideYStringBUY if executing against an offer
SELL if executing against a bid
clientRequestIdYStringClient supplied order identifier
quoteIdYStringQuote ID of quote being executed
accountGrpUuidNStringAccount group ref to use
quantityNDoubleShould be <= the Subscribe Quantity

Request example:

    "messageType": "order",
    "side": "BUY",
    "clientRequestId": "xx3",
    "quoteId": "<QUOTE_ID>",
    "accountGrpUuid": ""


Where an order has been successfully executed, client will receive the following confirmation.

timestampYLongtime of execution in millis
messageYStringConfirmation message
codeYStringError code
instrumentYStringCurrency-pair but with "." as a separator of base currency and quote currency.
sideYStringBUY if executing against an offer
SELL if executing against a bid
priceYStringPrice at which the order was filled
quantityYStringQuantity equal to the quoted quantity
clientRequestIdYStringClient supplied order identifier
orderStatusYStringOrder Status SUCCESS, INDETERMINATE or FAILED
quoteIdYStringQuote ID of quote being executed
transactionIdYStringSystem generated reference Id

Response example:

    "timestamp": 409937058888162,
    "messageType": "order",
    "message": "",
    "code": "",
    "instrument": "BTC.USD",
    "side": "BUY",
    "price": "38790.007200",
    "quantity": "0.008000",
    "clientRequestId": "xx",
    "orderStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "quoteId": "<QUOTE_ID>>",
    "transactionId": "<TRANSACTION_D>"